Sherdog sits down with DellaGrotte.  The best part:

DellaGrotte: In my opinion, I think Kenny’s going to determine what type of fight he makes it. Kenny could run over Roger if he really wants to, or he could allow Roger to give Kenny a fight. I think Kenny’s ability to harness his energy and ability to control his aggression and not become emotionally attached to the fight — like Roger likes to fight — is going to give Kenny the technical advantage that he needs. If Roger is able to get in Kenny’s head and make him fight a sloppy, wild, Roger Huerta (Pictures)-style of fight, then obviously that type of fight fits Roger Huerta (Pictures). Kenny knows he not only needs to use his technical abilities, but he also needs to play a very mental game with Roger … make sure Roger doesn’t take him out of the element of his technical ability and turn him into a brawler. I know Roger’s going to try to do that, and that’s what we’re going to try to avoid in this fight.

Wow.  KenFlo is superior technically, which I think gives him the edge.  If it goes to the ground, Florian is dangerous.  But Huertas got SO much power.  The last thing Kenny wants to do is stand and bang with Roger because Huerta will draw him out and bury him.  This one’s gonna be close to call, but I say Florian picks up the decision.

Davis has brought good vibes to Carolina.  Hopefully, that’ll translate to wins.  I remember Bunting was much the same, with that Peach bowl win back in 2001.  I think the way the division is structured is more beneficial now, though.

An Edible Lawn

July 31, 2008

The Times says it best.

“Edible landscape” seems to be going head to head with “staycation” as the most popular catch phrase of Summer 2008. Lawns may not be disappearing before our very eyes, but citizens are definitely swapping out blades of grass for bushels of beans in increasing numbers.

A better site: Path to Freedom

No matter where I go, this will always be home.  Ok, maybe not there, exactly.  These hills are filled with scenes like this on most clear mornings.  No better place on earth.

Thank God

July 31, 2008

Bittersweet, since we’re losing that bat.  I hope the Dodgers know what they’re getting into…

Why can’t people accept that a proper diet combined, with maximum exertion sprints and weight training, is by far the greatest combination ever devised for health??  I applaud the individuals who would likely make a killing from such a discovery.  On the other hand, individuals who are capable of exercise, yet don’t, should be ashamed they’d want to take the quick way out.  This is probably all for naught, though.  People taking this drug would likely wind up looking like a skinny-fat version of John Basedow.


July 31, 2008

Simple, concise, no B.S.  These are my thoughts on this by Smitten Eagle.  It’s one thing to imitate the consumate professional among you.  Its a whole other ball game to live those ideals on a daily basis.  Words to live by:

  • Continual study
  • Gaining and maintaining the respect of your peers
  • Policing your peers, and working to fix their shortcomings
  • Developing the next generation of practitioners of the profession
  • Holding superiors accountable
  • Upholding the Oaths and ethics of the profession
  • Ensuring a favorable view of the profession by the public

HT-Glenn Anderson, who wrote a piece on the lack of professionalism by Miley Cyrus.  Now, I think its hard to hold a 15 year old pop singer to the same standard required of Marines, but its good to keep in mind, this is something we all must strive for.

Ice Everywhere!

July 31, 2008

Watts Up With That? gives us an update about ice at the north pole.  Looks good to me…

Delicious 2.0

July 31, 2008

It’s here.  Maybe it’ll work as advertised…

No sales tax in NC starting midnight Friday.  I’ve often wondered what NO sales tax, and NO income tax would do for business in NC.  Not like that’s ever going to happen, but still.  Also, no sales tax on those counties that share a border with Tennessee.  I mean, I’m in one of those counties, but I think that it would attract shoppers from TN.

Now This is Sad

July 31, 2008

Just look at these guys.  Especially the guy on the left.  He looks like he’s waiting after school for his mother to come pick him up.  The black guy is giggling because he saw his reflection in a random store window, “Yes, I do look like a schmuck”, he’s thinking.  This is wrong on so many levels.  When you’ve graduated school and you’re getting paid, you know, for working at a job…you can afford to buy the bottom half of your pants.  Write that down.

Young in Trouble

July 31, 2008

Don Young is on the ropes.  This is good news.  If Parnell can defeat him, perhaps Alaska can stay red.  And, if Palin can sub for the embattled Stevens, perhaps Repubs can hang onto Alaska in the one year when everything is against them.

Club For Growth explains why, when you tax something too much, you get less of it.  The cigarettes are a good example.  People are only willing to be gouged so much before they find other ways of getting their fix, like going across the border to get smokes, or simply kicking the habit.  Perhaps we should keep this in mind going into January…

Exit Stage Left

July 31, 2008

Will Barry’s naivete hurt us in the long run?  Miguel Guanipa argues that Obama is trying to cram an entire lifetimes worth of experience in just a few weeks.  I can’t help but think about Vienna and what Khrushchev thought about JFK.  It’s never a good thing if your opponents feel that you’re weak and inexperienced.

My Kind of Girl

July 31, 2008

This Sapone character sounds like, well, a very dedicated spy.  Mother Jones isn’t happy about it.  Does anyone know whether this is illegal or not?  I assume that it isn’t; gun control groups should probably have done a better job of trying to identify those who become important in their ranks…They will from now on, I’m sure.

Asheville Citizen-Times says 2008 will be the year of the Dems in NC.  I can believe it.  I personally know people who have never stepped foot in a voting booth who are big time Obamatrons.  You don’t need a grasp of the issues to rock the vote.  At any rate, I still think it’ll be a squeaker for McCain in the Carolinas.

Mike Glover explains yet another Barry Gaffe.  When the shine wears off, Stewart and Colbert are going to have a field day with this guy.  Via-Instapundit

Johnathan Pearce has more on this sad phenomenon of European babes covering up on the beach.

I’ve spent my fair share of time on college campuses, either as a student or visiting friends, in western North Carolina.  Appalachian, WCU, UNC-Asheville, Lenoir-Rhyne, and Queens University (I guess Charlotte is WNC), I’ve spent large amounts of time at all of them.  They’ve got their share of hippies and wannabe hippies, enough to make ME cringe (and that’s pretty hard).  But, today I stumbled upon MAIN, the Mountain Area Information Network.  Wow, I don’t know who they’re marketing to.  Maybe the guy who wigged out on acid in the ’60s and sees a conspiracy behind every tree..

Just this morning they’ve got a “culture war” piece about 9/11, The One “blasting” big oil, and a sad story about recruiters threatening high schoolers (where the newscasters sit in front of a television array that hints at the aforementioned acid trip).  I dunno, maybe I’m just not “enlightened” enough by the truth to understand this garbage.  Then again, maybe its just garbage…

You can Have Him

July 31, 2008

Marlins ready to deal for Manny Ramirez.  I’ve mentioned this before.  I’ll be both sad, and satisfied, to see him go.  He’s just too much of a headache, and I’m just a no-body fan.  I can’t imagine what Francona and Epstein go through on a daily basis.