I don’t really want to talk about this hack, but I CAN believe that he is glad Gustav will stike the Gulf region because it will throw a wrench in the Republican convention.  Anyway, see it for yourself.

Chad Johnson/Ocho Cinco?

August 30, 2008

What makes wide outs tick?  Admittedly, as a high school WR, I could be a bit of an attention whore.  I always wanted the ball, and was unhappy when it wasn’t coming my way.  I guess this is that, writ large.  The man has freaky skills, but no sense.  I’m still gonna’ call him Chad, though.

Gateway Pundit is all over this from Charles Johnson.  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…

Update: LGF says it’s not anybody connected officially to Obama, just some cat smearing away.

This is good news.  Quietly, we may be abandoning or enviro-craziness.  Don’t get me wrong, we should, and must, pursue “green” energy initiatives.  But nuclear and hydro-carbons are where it’s at, right now.  We need to use what resources we have available, while determining the most cost efficient alternatives for the future.  Wind and solar sound good at the moment, but I also didn’t hear any negatives when the push for bio-fuels began several years ago, and look at what that did to food prices.

Ramesh Ponnuru is a buzz-kill.  He raises good points, but overall misses the mark on Palin. 

  1. Obama can’t raise the experience issue.  To be sure, there are many that will raise it for him.  But to think that being a Senator for less than four years makes him ready to be CIC is absurd.  The same can be said for Palin, but I’ll take a first term Gov. over a first term Senator any day.  (Also, how can a party, and main stream media, that considered Tim Kaine a serious VP pick, now attack Palin for lack of experience?)
  2. On the tokenism issue, he may be correct.  BUT, the Democrats have played identity politics for the better part of forty years.  Now, its being played against them, and better, too.  They wrote the rules, and now they’re complaining because they’re being used against them.
  3. On the compatability front, anybody who can’t get along with someone who looks like Palin, probably should have his man card revoked.
  4. I, too, was worried about the debates.  Biden, for all his bluster and hack politics, is a hell of an attack dog.  I was worried she would get steamrolled.  Then I saw her interview with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC last night.  If she goes into the debates and speaks like she did there, not only will she win, Biden will pale in comparison. 

Oops.  Steve Job’s is very much alive, although he DOES look terrible (owing to his illness).  It appears as though this is just a run of the mill accident, but it’s terribly embarrassing for all involved.  Let’s hope Steve sticks around for a long, long time.

Obama and the Leviathan

August 28, 2008

Reason mag on Barack and Big Gov.

Anyone partial to free markets, restrained government, fiscal discipline and light taxation approaches a Democratic nominee’s economic platform with trepidation, expecting one fright after another. Obama does not disappoint.

Should we fear teh Barry?  I dunno, but you’d better watch what you say

Say it ain’t So, Heath!

August 27, 2008

So, the whole TVA land deal scandal isn’t dead yet.  From Knownews.com

While U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler has indicated that his name wasn’t included in documents connected with a water-access deal approved by the TVA, a 2005 letter to the federal agency identifies him as a partner in the venture that sought the deal.

I’ve always liked Shuler.  He played ball with my uncle when they were at Swain.  And, I think he’s done a fairly good job in the House, economic voting issues aside.  Actually, he’s probably the best we could hope for as far as Dems go.  He probably wants this to die, immediately, though.  It still doesn’t appear as though any laws were broken, but it doesn’t look good.

Via Instapundit

And Al Gore believes we can convert our electricity grid entirely to “renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources” within 10 years. Virtually everyone who proposes a grand scheme to overhaul America’s energy supply cites as a model John F. Kennedy’s audacious 1961 call to put a man on the moon.

So, do we really need an Apollo project for energy? It is tempting to believe that a huge government initiative, backed by ample tax dollars, could solve this problem. But be careful what you wish for.

Full thing, here

As it turns out, American Issues Project won’t be bullied.  They’re the (527, I believe) that produced and is passing around the Bill Ayers ad that the Messiah wants pulled.  I won’t reproduce the whole thing here, but Michell Malkin has all of it, here.  Obama is adamant about having this thing pulled, and is just drawing MORE media attention to the story, which is going to make it very hard to spin it in any effective manner.  Here’s the ad

Reason on Brian Schweitzer

August 27, 2008

I was terribly disappointed watching Schweitzer last night.  Evidently, so was Reason

Yet none of Schweitzer’s limited-government bonafides was present when the governor seized the Pepsi Center stage last night at the Democratic National Convention. Instead of being a proudly contrarian executive of an oil-drilling state, he became a populist rancher raging against “petro-dictators,” domestic drilling, and “tax breaks for big oil.” Leaning back, then leaning forward with his finger pointed like the guns he didn’t mention, Schweitzer country-drunk slurred his insults against the Republican candidate who’d bring “Mora-tha-same!”

Good for her.  I’m probably the furthest thing from a Britney Spears fan.  In fact, vapid celebrities of all stripes make me wanna cry.  But this is good news, I think.  Last year, Spears was lambasted by EVERYONE for that performance.  Some of it was deserved; she was out-of-shape.  But the vast majority was a pile-on.  I’m glad she’s showing some backbone and self-respect in this regard.  At the moment, she’s a bit of a sideshow.  I’m betting she’ll have another hit somewhere down the line and, when she does, she can once again call the shots.  Good move.

Jonathan at Chicago Boyz has the self-proclaimed “greatest movie line ever“.  I’m in whole-hearted agreement…

Alex Jones would make a tripped-out crackwhore proud.  Thank you for all your contributions to our currently thriving intellectual debate, Alex. 

PJM has the entire video.  Thank God, because I wouldn’t believe people could act with such animalistic fervor if I didn’t see it myself.  Why on earth would you conduct yourself in a manner you wouldn’t want your grandmother, or your kids to see?  I wonder if Alex honestly thinks that it was worth destroying his reputation with Americans who don’t listen to his fruity little show.  Michelle did a hell of a job keeping her cool. 

Gustav Is Coming

August 26, 2008

Great.  Gustav might head for the Gulf, which could wreak havoc with gas prices.  Just when we were knocking the top off the majority of the speculation…God forbid it heads to New Orleans.  Many of the levy’s still show structural weaknesses.

Barack Obama has made his worst strategic move of his campaign so far in trying to have an ad questioning his association with Bill Ayers pulled. 

  1. Why would you take something that barely rumbled through the net, and put your stamp on it?  His attempts to squash the ad GIVE them legitimacy.
  2. Attack machines far and wide are thrilled by his aggressive stance on these ads.  In trying to be the anti-Kerry, there is the potential that he gets dragged from his Messiah perch, down to the level of mere mortal.
  3. He should have been more forthright from the beginning with Wright, Ayers, and Rezko.  He never should have played these as if they were only simple associations or acquaintances.  An approach that would have saved him in the long run would have been to admit that these cats were all insane, and to clearly delineate himself from said insanity. 

Instead, we’ve got tickets to the best show in the house.  Michelle Malkin and our own Thunder Pig have more.

Title says it all. 

Last year, I was eating ribs at some hole in the wall joint in Pigeon Forge, catching the updates of App/Michigan.  I knew the Mountaineers were in the Big House, but I didn’t give it a second thought.  Of course, everyone knows how that turned out.  And so do the Bayou Bengals.  Here’s to hoping they repeat.

If you happen to run across Kimberly Jernigan, then yeah, it could be.  And if you happen to be her dog, you could be left duct-taped in the bathroom OF THE GUY’S HOUSE SHE BROKE INTO.  

Jernigan’s reason for gagging her pooch–“he was making too much noise.”

The sad part?  Jernigan hails from North Carolina.  Shhh, don’t tell anyone.

Rezko is the political gift that keeps on giving.  Even Clueless Joe Biden is caught up in the storm.  From the Chicago Sun-Times

Biden has described himself as a 30-year friend of a key figure in the Rezko trial who’s pleaded guilty to a federal extortion charge in Chicago and is awaiting sentencing.

Although, pols can never really be sure of how their donor’s cash was earned, or extorted.  Obama should be probed deeply on his relationship with Rezko, because it was a long-term deal.  This Cari and Biden connection seems rather tenuous in comparison.