
December 30, 2009

It’s been a long time but my batteries are recharged and I’m ready to go.  I let this go by the wayside because I simply didn’t have the time to putter around a keyboard all day, but the upcoming election and the stupidity of our current domestic direction is enfuriating. 

Obama and the entire sorry Congress pisses me off.  Happy New Year to all.  The fight starts anew.

One More Bird Flu Death

January 22, 2009

Wonderful.  I suppose the fact that the ChiComs and their bureaucratic goodness are sitting on a complete jack-up-my-universe pandemic should inspire me with all kinds of hope.  And maybe change. 

On the bright side, should an outbreak worthy of Dustin Hoffman occur, at least we can count on our comrades to the east to put a bullet in the heads of those insolent bastards.

Hopey-Changey Stuff

January 22, 2009

Do YOU have skills?  Are you a construction worker?  Most importantly, are you WHITE? 

If you are a combination of any of the above, f’get about Big O stimulus money.  Awesome.  Though I see what Reich is driving at.

This sounds like SUCH a new, refreshing idea.  

Eat At Moe’s!

January 22, 2009

Now this truly speaks for itself. 

Cullowhee HAS always been bereft of fine dining and quality football.  I’m not exactly sure that Moe’s Southwest Grill will change the former.  Too bad absolutely nothing will change the latter. 

It’d be nice not having to go into Sylva for everything but this…

Is Minnesota In Play Too?

September 14, 2008

Looks like it.  Powerline has this poll from the Minneapolis Star Tribune with McCain-Obama at 45 all, which is big considering the 13 point hole McCain found himself in back in May.

General Petraeus Says Farewell

September 14, 2008

Miserable Donuts Via Instapundit

As General Petraeus leaves MNF-Iraq for Centcom, he leaves his boys with this farewell letter. 

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and Civilians of
Multi-National Force-Iraq:

It has been the greatest of privileges to have been your commander for the
past 19 months. During that time,we and our civilian and Iraqi partners have
been engaged in an exceedingly complex, difficult, and important task. And in the
face of numerous challenges, we and our partners have helped bring new hope to a
country that was besieged by extremists and engulfed in sectarian violence.

When I took command of Multi-National Force-Iraq in February 2007, I noted
that the situation in Iraq was hard but not hopeless. You have proven that
assessment to be correct. Indeed, your great work, sacrifice, courage, and skill
have helped to reverse a downward spiral toward civil war and to wrest the
initiative from the enemies of the new Iraq.

Together, Iraqi and Coalition Forces have faced determined, adaptable, and
barbaric enemies. You and our Iraqi partners have taken the fight to them, and
you have taken away their sanctuaries and safe havens. You have helped secure
the Iraqi people and have enabled, and capitalized on, their rejection of
extremism. You have also supported the Iraqi Security Forces as they have grown
in number and capability and as they have increasingly shouldered more of the
responsibility for security in their country.

You have not just secured the Iraqi people, you have served them, as well.
By helping establish local governance, supporting reconstruction efforts,
assisting with revitalization of local businesses, fostering local reconciliation, and conducting a host of other non-kinetic activities, you have contributed significantly to the communities in which you have operated. Indeed, you have been builders and diplomats as well as guardians and warriors.

The progress achieved has been hard-earned. There have been many tough days
along the way, and we have suffered tragic losses. Indeed, nothing in Iraq has
been anything but hard. But you have been more than equal to every task.

Your accomplishments have, in fact, been the stuff of history. Each of you
should be proud of what has been achieved and of the contributions you continue
to make. Although our tasks in Iraq are far from complete and hard work and tough
fights lie ahead, you have helped bring about remarkable improvements.

Your new commander is precisely the right man for the job. General Ray
Odierno played a central role in the progress achieved during the surge. He
brings tremendous skill, experience, and understanding as he returns to Iraq for
a third tour and takes the helm of MNF-I just seven months after relinquishing
command of MultiNational Corps-Iraq. I have total confidence in him, and I will
do all that I can as the commander of Central Command to help him, MNF-I, and our Iraqi partners to achieve the important goals that we all share for the new Iraq.

Thank you for your magnificent work here in the “Land of the Two Rivers.” And thank you for your sacrifices-and for those of your families–during this crucial phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am honored to have soldiered with you
in this critical endeavor.

With great respect and all best wishes

David H. Petraeus
General, United States Army


Good Stuff From Marie Freeman

September 14, 2008

Not mine, but that of gifted local photog, Marie Freeman.  Check out her photoblog, Blue Ridge Blog, for more like this.  Note the irony…

I, Too, Am a Skeptic

September 14, 2008

You’re not alone, Dee.  Though I don’t hold one of those fancy science-related college degrees, that whole logic thing is related solely to the sciences.  However, I know when to pass the reigns to those far more intelligent than I. 

As far as AGW is concerned, it’s STILL inconclusive, despite the best efforts of Al Gore and his ideologically motivated stump speeches.

And Muslim domination of Britain will be complete!  Today, Britain, tomorrow, the world!  Reminds me of a now deceased cartoon…

Actually, this is a little more serious.  Gates of Vienna has more on this less-than-shocking revelation.  Where’s Mark Steyn when you need him…

Courses in Jedi are now being offered at Queen’s University in Belfast Northern Ireland.  The best line?

The course will provide students with the fundamental building blocks they’ll need to succeed in careers like virginity.



Rescuing Those Trapped by Ike

September 14, 2008

You get the call to leave and you’d better leave.  Electricity may be down for a month.  Wonderful. 

“What’s really frustrating is that we can’t get to them,” Galveston police officer Tommie Mafrei said. “It’s jeopardizing our safety when we try to tell them eight hours before to leave. They are naive about it, thinking it’s not going to be that bad.”



From Ed Morrissey

As if the Barack Obama needed any more bad news, the St. Petersburg Times and Zogby both deliver cause for pessimism at Team O.   Florida polling shows that despite spending millions in advertising in the Sunshine State and a delay in advertising for McCain, Obama is in worse position that John Kerry at the same time in 2004.  Zogby has new polling that shows Obama now trails in Pennsylvania, a must-hold state for the Democrats.


129 is an awesome road, though dangerous at times.  If you can hit it on a weekday morning, do it.  But weekends, afternoons and anytime in the fall or summer might not be a good call.  Glad it’s getting some love in the times, though.  For all things Dragon,

Freddie P’s Trial Postponed

September 12, 2008

Get this guy in a cell or a chair and let us forget about him.  What he did to the Hudler and Miller families is inexcusable.  What could possess someone to murder three, innocent men in cold blood?  Do what you need to get this one in the books and then let the hack rot.

There’s an old saying on the ‘street that goes, “When they’re cryin’, you should be buyin, and when they’re yellin’, you better get to sellin’.” 

The thing about America is that we like brash, bold and outlandish.  We also like those qualities to be tempered with grace, humility, and a workman-like pride.  Nancy Pelosi’s House and Harry’s Senate just hasn’t embraced those qualities.  They aren’t bold, or brash since they’ve worried little about getting anything of substance accomplished (even THEIR stated goals; ending the war, healthcare reform), though they have been outlandish (who could forget Murtha and his Haditha failings?). 

Humility and grace?  Workman-like pride?  Forget it.  Nancy knows that her district, and her seat, are the safest in the House.  She can be as bat-shit crazy as she wants, because she knows her ticket is punched.  Good luck working with that….

At any rate, the Wall Stree Journal has thoughts here

Something happened on the way to September.

It was in July that Chris Van Hollen, head of the Democrats’ House campaign operation, predicted this year would prove “another big-wave election” for his party — a repeat of 2006 when Democrats gained 31 seats. Barack Obama’s “50-state strategy” was supposed to secure both the White House and blowout gains in Congress. At the recent Democratic convention, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer bragged his party had 75 pick-up opportunities.

Or maybe not. Slowly, without much notice, the political landscape has changed. House Republicans are getting traction on issues like energy and reform, and a boost from a newly energized McCain-Palin ticket. An even bigger problem for Democrats is that Nancy Pelosi’s liberal governing has put her own vaunted freshmen at risk in their conservative districts.

Long Overdue

September 12, 2008

UNC looked outstanding last night.  Yates and Tate put the ACC on notice; We will burn you deep, short, and over-the-middle.  Va Tech had better awaken from their ECU induced coma and be ready to play some ball on the 20th.  Though, if Carolina comes with their piss-poor play they brought to Mcneese State, it’s gonna hurt.  Of course, I could be getting carryed away…They haven’t won a road game since ’02.

Good Advice On Gas Spikes

September 12, 2008

When I filled up yesterday, gas at the ol’ WallyWorld was 3 cents higher than the day before.  I had buddies that called from around Asheville around 9 that said there were long lines at the pumps and some stations had no gas.  In light of this, here’s some good advice from VodkaPundit.

Chill.  People love drama.  Next week, though the price WILL still be higher, at least you won’t have to hassle with every panicked yahoo to get some.

Ok, so that title is blatant thievery of this post by Paul Caron.  Evidently, Joe Biden is a stingy sucker.

Despite income ranging from $210,432 – $321,379 over the ten-year period, the Bidens have given only $120 – $995 per year to charity, which amounts to 0.06% – 0.31% of their income.

It is jarring that a couple earning over $200,000 per year would give as little as $2 per week to charity.  This giving compares very unfavorably to John McCain, whose tax returns show that he gave 27.3% – 28.6% of his income to charity in 2006-2007.  During the same period, the Obamas’ tax returns show that they gave 5.8% – 6.1% of their income to charity.

Perhaps the Obama-Biden campaign needs a new slogan:  “Change You Can Believe In (As Long As Someone Else Pays For It)”

“Yeah, that’s it.  We’ll sit around and eat arugula, and let those poor saps foot the bill.”  Works every time. Via Althose

Intrade Picking McCain

September 12, 2008

For the first time, the pay-to-play markets are suggesting John McCain will come away the winner in November.  The bid/ask spread is now 52.9/53.0 McCain, versus 46.1/47.9 for Obama.  For comparison’s sake, in mid-July Barry led 64.8 to only 31.1 McCain. 

This on the heels of news from Gallup that Congressional races are now tightening, with only a slim favoring of the Democrats.  I’ve said it before, but Dems are the MASTERS of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  Not that I’m complaining.

Hmmm, was he talking about Palin?  Odds on, I bet he was.  For a man who has built his image and his campaign on oratorical skills, this is an odd mistake.  He’s intelligent and, usually, his gaffes are more freudian slip than sexist slap.  This will not turn out good for him…