Is Minnesota In Play Too?

September 14, 2008

Looks like it.  Powerline has this poll from the Minneapolis Star Tribune with McCain-Obama at 45 all, which is big considering the 13 point hole McCain found himself in back in May.

From Ed Morrissey

As if the Barack Obama needed any more bad news, the St. Petersburg Times and Zogby both deliver cause for pessimism at Team O.   Florida polling shows that despite spending millions in advertising in the Sunshine State and a delay in advertising for McCain, Obama is in worse position that John Kerry at the same time in 2004.  Zogby has new polling that shows Obama now trails in Pennsylvania, a must-hold state for the Democrats.


There’s an old saying on the ‘street that goes, “When they’re cryin’, you should be buyin, and when they’re yellin’, you better get to sellin’.” 

The thing about America is that we like brash, bold and outlandish.  We also like those qualities to be tempered with grace, humility, and a workman-like pride.  Nancy Pelosi’s House and Harry’s Senate just hasn’t embraced those qualities.  They aren’t bold, or brash since they’ve worried little about getting anything of substance accomplished (even THEIR stated goals; ending the war, healthcare reform), though they have been outlandish (who could forget Murtha and his Haditha failings?). 

Humility and grace?  Workman-like pride?  Forget it.  Nancy knows that her district, and her seat, are the safest in the House.  She can be as bat-shit crazy as she wants, because she knows her ticket is punched.  Good luck working with that….

At any rate, the Wall Stree Journal has thoughts here

Something happened on the way to September.

It was in July that Chris Van Hollen, head of the Democrats’ House campaign operation, predicted this year would prove “another big-wave election” for his party — a repeat of 2006 when Democrats gained 31 seats. Barack Obama’s “50-state strategy” was supposed to secure both the White House and blowout gains in Congress. At the recent Democratic convention, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer bragged his party had 75 pick-up opportunities.

Or maybe not. Slowly, without much notice, the political landscape has changed. House Republicans are getting traction on issues like energy and reform, and a boost from a newly energized McCain-Palin ticket. An even bigger problem for Democrats is that Nancy Pelosi’s liberal governing has put her own vaunted freshmen at risk in their conservative districts.

Ok, so that title is blatant thievery of this post by Paul Caron.  Evidently, Joe Biden is a stingy sucker.

Despite income ranging from $210,432 – $321,379 over the ten-year period, the Bidens have given only $120 – $995 per year to charity, which amounts to 0.06% – 0.31% of their income.

It is jarring that a couple earning over $200,000 per year would give as little as $2 per week to charity.  This giving compares very unfavorably to John McCain, whose tax returns show that he gave 27.3% – 28.6% of his income to charity in 2006-2007.  During the same period, the Obamas’ tax returns show that they gave 5.8% – 6.1% of their income to charity.

Perhaps the Obama-Biden campaign needs a new slogan:  “Change You Can Believe In (As Long As Someone Else Pays For It)”

“Yeah, that’s it.  We’ll sit around and eat arugula, and let those poor saps foot the bill.”  Works every time. Via Althose

Intrade Picking McCain

September 12, 2008

For the first time, the pay-to-play markets are suggesting John McCain will come away the winner in November.  The bid/ask spread is now 52.9/53.0 McCain, versus 46.1/47.9 for Obama.  For comparison’s sake, in mid-July Barry led 64.8 to only 31.1 McCain. 

This on the heels of news from Gallup that Congressional races are now tightening, with only a slim favoring of the Democrats.  I’ve said it before, but Dems are the MASTERS of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  Not that I’m complaining.

Hmmm, was he talking about Palin?  Odds on, I bet he was.  For a man who has built his image and his campaign on oratorical skills, this is an odd mistake.  He’s intelligent and, usually, his gaffes are more freudian slip than sexist slap.  This will not turn out good for him…

US Weekly is on the backtracking trail.  This whole thing has been done to death, and rightly so.  I mean, I would print junk like that too if I didn’t give a damn about, oh, you know, my reputation.  But now, Michelle Malkin has a letter from US Weekly that reveals how sorry they are. 

rom: US Weekly
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 11:17:57 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: cancel subscription (KMM23347217I103L0KM)
To: xxx

Thank you for contacting US Weekly.

We are sorry you are upset over the Governor Palin cover. We do not want to lose you as a subscriber over one article in one issue. In an effort to keep you as a subscriber, we will add five FREE issues to your subscription. Please let us know if you would like us to extend your current subscription rather than canceling our publication.

Thank you,
US Weekly

Damn.  So US Weekly readers who are outraged over this gargantuan backhand are supposed to be stupid enough to be bought off with *5*, count em’, *5* FREE issues of this trashy rag?  That’s worse than that stupid cover.


Good Advice

September 9, 2008

Glenn Reynolds says, “Don’t get cocky”.  Great advice, especially considering Obama people are already starting to raise the “cult of the messiah” bit they were wacked over the head with (rightly so).  Rush Limbaugh’s guest host dealt with at least one guy YESTERDAY who wanted to paint Sarah as our Republican savior.  Yeah, she’s hot, she speaks well, and she’s relatively bona fide. 

But, let’s face it, her experience is lacking for the national stage.  That doesn’t mean she won’t make an excellent VP, but…I think we need to stop pushing the experience thing so hard, even IF she does have as much experience as Barry.

McCain Moves Ahead

September 7, 2008

The Gallup numbers are out and McCain/Palin leads 48% to 45%.  This is the daily tracking poll with 2,765 registered voters and a sampling error of plus/minus 2 percentage points. 

I give most of it to Palin.  The convention itself was lackluster save Wednesday night, Palin’s unveiling.  She came through in the clutch; now, let’s see how she performs over the next 58 days.  Also, the pathetic media performance and smear factories that popped up this past week probably helped to give them a “pity bounce”.  We’ll see if it holds.

Tim Cavanaugh’s thoughts on both conventions.  I particularly agree with his point that neither party even tries to appeal to their libertarian wing.  Despite all the bluster by each parties’ members, they grow closer together every day.  Who would have thought 40 years ago that a Republican administration would be nationalizing Fannie and Freddie?

Palin Off the Cuff

September 4, 2008

Founding Bloggers has word that Palin’s teleprompter was on the fritz last night, scrolling even during applause.  Palin shrugged it off, and delivered the speech she needed to.  I thought she was just a little wooden at times, and absolutely brilliant others.  Like her rhythm was broken.  I guess I know why now.

Oh, here’s Barry when his teleprompter breaks.  He might need to get that fixed before the debates.  

And we have a winnnnneeerr!

September 4, 2008

Althouse is dead on right here.  I’ve been hearing all day about Palin should have been less sarcastic, and more positive.  “She should have been more demure”, a friend remarked.  “Biden is supposed to be the attack dog, put Palin shouldn’t play that role.” 

Why not?  She’s obviously got the chops for it.  And, backed in the corner like she was, I would have been disappointed in anything less.  “Be demure Sarah.  Take those attacks on you, and your family, and your experience, and Alaska, and small town America laying down.  Be that pretty face, and a good cheerleader.” 

Yeah, I’d tell em’ to eat shit, too.

The Ron Paul Show

September 3, 2008

I agree with the majority of Mr. Paul’s message: the limited government, lower taxes, personal freedoms and the fact that we need not entangle ourselves in wars we have no business fighting (though we must see Iraq through, to honor our dead and to achieve stability).

But those damn “truthers” give everyone who isn’t a Neo-con a BAD name.  As long as he carries the Ross Perot mantle, his Campaign for Liberty ain’t going anywhere.

Megan McArdle on Abortion

September 3, 2008

This has got to be one of the most well reasoned posts on ‘pro-choice’ I’ve ever read.  I know a lot of people drop bombs on Megan, but she writes well and usually backs it up with considerable acumen.

What can one say about this?  Despite all the posturing by both camps, I wonder just how true to life this was…

Gateway Pundit is all over this from Charles Johnson.  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…

Update: LGF says it’s not anybody connected officially to Obama, just some cat smearing away.

Ramesh Ponnuru is a buzz-kill.  He raises good points, but overall misses the mark on Palin. 

  1. Obama can’t raise the experience issue.  To be sure, there are many that will raise it for him.  But to think that being a Senator for less than four years makes him ready to be CIC is absurd.  The same can be said for Palin, but I’ll take a first term Gov. over a first term Senator any day.  (Also, how can a party, and main stream media, that considered Tim Kaine a serious VP pick, now attack Palin for lack of experience?)
  2. On the tokenism issue, he may be correct.  BUT, the Democrats have played identity politics for the better part of forty years.  Now, its being played against them, and better, too.  They wrote the rules, and now they’re complaining because they’re being used against them.
  3. On the compatability front, anybody who can’t get along with someone who looks like Palin, probably should have his man card revoked.
  4. I, too, was worried about the debates.  Biden, for all his bluster and hack politics, is a hell of an attack dog.  I was worried she would get steamrolled.  Then I saw her interview with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC last night.  If she goes into the debates and speaks like she did there, not only will she win, Biden will pale in comparison. 

Say it ain’t So, Heath!

August 27, 2008

So, the whole TVA land deal scandal isn’t dead yet.  From

While U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler has indicated that his name wasn’t included in documents connected with a water-access deal approved by the TVA, a 2005 letter to the federal agency identifies him as a partner in the venture that sought the deal.

I’ve always liked Shuler.  He played ball with my uncle when they were at Swain.  And, I think he’s done a fairly good job in the House, economic voting issues aside.  Actually, he’s probably the best we could hope for as far as Dems go.  He probably wants this to die, immediately, though.  It still doesn’t appear as though any laws were broken, but it doesn’t look good.

Reason on Brian Schweitzer

August 27, 2008

I was terribly disappointed watching Schweitzer last night.  Evidently, so was Reason

Yet none of Schweitzer’s limited-government bonafides was present when the governor seized the Pepsi Center stage last night at the Democratic National Convention. Instead of being a proudly contrarian executive of an oil-drilling state, he became a populist rancher raging against “petro-dictators,” domestic drilling, and “tax breaks for big oil.” Leaning back, then leaning forward with his finger pointed like the guns he didn’t mention, Schweitzer country-drunk slurred his insults against the Republican candidate who’d bring “Mora-tha-same!”

Alex Jones would make a tripped-out crackwhore proud.  Thank you for all your contributions to our currently thriving intellectual debate, Alex. 

PJM has the entire video.  Thank God, because I wouldn’t believe people could act with such animalistic fervor if I didn’t see it myself.  Why on earth would you conduct yourself in a manner you wouldn’t want your grandmother, or your kids to see?  I wonder if Alex honestly thinks that it was worth destroying his reputation with Americans who don’t listen to his fruity little show.  Michelle did a hell of a job keeping her cool.